主演:卡西·阿弗莱克 凯特·哈德森 杰西卡·阿尔芭 尼德·巴蒂 伊莱亚斯·科泰斯 汤姆·鲍尔 西蒙·贝克 比尔·普尔曼 布兰特·布里斯科 马修·马希尔 连姆·艾肯 杰·R.弗格森 布蕾克·林斯利 诺亚·克劳福德 凯特林·特纳 Rosa Pasquarella Phillip Borghee 布雷特·鲍尔 Lori Lynne Cross Drew Nixon
简介:心中的杀手:生死时速挣扎着睁开眼睛,我发现自己身处在一个陌生的房间里。一股疼痛袭来,我不禁倒抽了一口冷气。盯着天花板发呆了许久,我才勉力坐了起来,身体还是有些无力。突然,一名面容阴森的男子走了进来,冷冷地问道:“你还活着吗?”我被吓得一阵发抖,迫不及待地问:“发生了什么?”男子淡淡地回答:“你刚被刺杀了,幸存下来的人很少。”我手足无措,这么说我已经处于生死之间了。脑海里忽然浮现出了许多回忆:我是一个杀手,为了钱财马不停蹄的追寻着垂涎已久的目标。一路上,我充满了战斗的欲望,为了达到目的不择手段。想到这里,我心中暗自揶揄:若死亡真的来临,那是我自找的。然而,我并不愿意这样死去。我走到窗口,看着窗外熙熙攘攘的行人和车辆,内心里却只剩下了无奈和悔恨。我不甘心这样就死去,我想要活下去,我想要挑战那个杀手的技术。于是,我开始了自己的复健训练。刚开始的时候,我简直无法承受那种痛苦的折磨。每次的练习都会让我渐渐适应,再次喘过气来。时间一天一天地过去,我的身体逐渐恢复过来。对于我这样的杀手来说,最重要的便是嗅觉和视力。于是,我开始反复地锻炼自己的嗅觉和视力,希望自己能够在刀光剑影的战场之上更加得心应手。然而,在复健的途中,我也意识到了一个事实:这个世界不是因为武力而变得更好的。以前,我常常因为自己的杀手本能而不惜代价去达到自己的目的。现在,我却希望能够用另一种方式成为杀手,用智慧和能力去捍卫自己心爱的事物。终于,在几个月的努力之后,我重获新生,也迎来了人生的新篇章。Life or Death: the Struggle within a HitmanStruggling to open my eyes, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. A sharp pain hit me, and I couldn't help but gasp in shock. Staring at the ceiling for what seemed like eternity, I finally managed to sit up, but my body felt weak and unsteady. Suddenly, a man with a sinister expression walked in, coldly asking,"Are you still alive?" Trembling, I asked hastily,"What happened?" and the man replied in a monotonous voice,"You were just assassinated. There are few survivors."My mind went blank as I realized that I was only a breath away from death. Memories flooded my mind: I was a hitman who relentlessly chased my target for money. Along the way, I was full of combative desire and ruthless tactics, willing to do anything to achieve my aims. And yet, the thought occurred to me that, if this is how I die, I pretty much asked for it.But I was not willing to go down like this. Walking over to the window, I watched the hustle and bustle of people and cars below, feeling nothing but helplessness and regret. I didn't want to die like this. I wanted to live, to challenge the hitman's skill set.So I began my rehabilitation training. At first, it was impossible for me to endure the excruciating pain. Every practice made me gasp for air, but I slowly got used to it. Day after day, my physical strength improved. For a hitman like me, the most important factors were my sense of smell and vision. Hence, I exercised my olfactory and visual senses repeatedly, hoping to handle myself better in the deadly situation of combat.But during my rehab, I realized something else: the world wasn't a better place because of violence. In the past, I would stop at nothing to achieve my goals, driven by my killer instincts. Now, I desired more than anything else to become a hitman using intelligence and capability to protect what I loved. After several months of hard work, I gained new life and embarked on a new chapter of my life.